20 Early Signs Your Body is Fighting Cancer
Before relying on testing for answers, you are already gifted with a natural testing machine: your body. Listening closely to your body can provide you with some helpful hints on spotting diseases, like cancer, that you might otherwise overlook. Early detection is extremely important when it comes to cancer progression, so if you notice any of these early warning signs of cancer check in with your doctor to see if more tests are required!
Indirect Symptoms

Cancer can manifest in many ways, and not all symptoms are directly related to the primary tumor or affected area. Indirect symptoms of cancer are those that may arise due to the body’s response to the disease or its impact on other systems. These symptoms can be subtle or mimic other conditions, making them easy to overlook. Understanding these indirect symptoms is essential for early detection and timely intervention, which can significantly improve outcomes for those affected by cancer.
1. Wheezing/shortness of breath

Lung cancer patients remember noticing this as one of their first symptoms but didn’t initially connect it to cancer.
2. Frequent fevers or infections

Frequently a sign of leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells that starts in bone marrow. It causes the marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells that hinder your body’s infection-fighting abilities.
3. Difficulty swallowing

Most commonly associated with throat cancer, but could also be a good indicator of lung cancer.
4. Weakness and fatigue

Such a common symptom of cancer that it should be looked at in combination with other symptoms to determine which it is.
5. Feeling full and unable to eat

This is a sign of ovarian cancer. A loss of appetite even when you haven’t eaten for a while is a tip-off.
6. Anorexia

This could be an early sign of pancreatic cancer. A sudden disgust for coffee, wine or smoking can be linked to this as well.
Visible Bodily Changes

Cancer can cause visible changes in the body, which can vary depending on the type and stage of the disease. These changes may include alterations in skin appearance, unexplained weight loss or gain, or swelling in certain areas. Being aware of these visible bodily changes can help individuals recognize potential warning signs of cancer and seek medical attention promptly. Early detection is key to successful treatment, making it crucial to understand and monitor any noticeable changes in the body.

Pain is a common symptom experienced by individuals with cancer, and it can vary in intensity and nature depending on the type and location of the disease. This pain may result from the tumor pressing on nerves, bones, or organs, or it can be a side effect of treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. Recognizing and managing cancer-related pain is essential for improving quality of life and overall well-being. Understanding the different pain symptoms associated with cancer can help guide appropriate pain management and medical care.
16. Unusually heavy or painful periods, bleeding between periods

A common sign of endometrial or uterine cancer. A transvaginal ultrasound should be considered if the problem persists.
17. A chronic cough or chest pain

Leukemia and lung tumors (among others), show symptoms that can mimic a bad cough or bronchitis. Some patients also reported chest pain that extended to the shoulder and down their arms.
18. Pelvic/Abdominal pain

Pain and cramping in the pelvis can be linked with the bloating signs of ovarian cancer. Leukemia also does this because it enlarges the spleen.
19. Pain in the back or lower right side

Often an early sign of liver cancer. Breast cancer can also be found through this as a breast tumor can press back into the chest or spread to the spine/ribs.
20. Upset stomach

Stomach cramps or a frequently upset stomach can be a sign of colorectal cancer.
How to Reduce Your Risk

Vitamin D is a known cancer preventative, so normalize your levels through careful sunlight exposure and supplements. Keep your insulin levels down by reducing or eliminating processed food, as insulin levels may influence prostate cancer. This can also be controlled and monitored through blood tests. Regular exercise not only keeps your body in good health, it also helps to drive insulin levels down. Higher lycopene plasma levels, a carotenoid pigment present in tomatoes and many berries and fruits have been shown to lower prostate risk in men as well.
Reduce exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners, and air pollution. Some studies suggest that long-term cell phone usage over 10 years could be linked to brain tumors, but improvements to cell phones over the years have caused the results to be debated. Maintaining healthy lifestyle choices by limiting your exposure to risks will aid your body in the long run. It’s not unusual for 10+ years to pass between exposure to a cancer risk and diagnosis so be safe and prepared early to try and avoid any hardships in the future!
Disclaimer: Do not remove yourself from any prescribed medications or treatments without consulting your doctor. Any and all dietary supplements or nutritional products and treatments discussed on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The information contained in this site is for general information and for educational purposes only.

Read More: 30 Cancer Survivors Share Subtle Signs They Knew Something Was Off
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